Sunday, 29 June 2014

When The Dream Becomes The Drive

How to put into words the feelings of the moment I sat in my Porsche for the very first time. I was actually quite terrified, nervous and excited all at once.  Just seeing the car parked in my garage is enough to think I am really in a dream. I have to pinch myself and say "It's really here and its really mine!" 

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

My Baby Comes Home

What a day, waiting for that moment when my Porsche finally rolls up my driveway! It was such a tense day, waiting, waiting, waiting! I nearly went stir crazy, I felt so anxious and excited I couldn't focus on anything. It seemed like the longest day ever. Every second seemed like a minute and every minute felt like an hour. 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

It's Only The Beginning!

Know that feeling, when suddenly you see your long life dream unfold before your eyes? Well mine has just come true.

I am the proud new owner of the beloved Porsche Boxster.

I can't believe it, I have only waited for this moment for half of my life! I have quietly or maybe not so quietly, if you speak to my family, had a love of Porsches since I was a teenager.